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Book cover of the Ethical Stripper by Stacey Clarke

The Ethical Stripper 'Sex, Work and Labour Rights in the Night-time Economy' - Stacey Clarke


In this powerful book, Stacey Clare, a stripper with over a decade of experience, takes a detailed look at the sex industry - the reality of the work as well as the history of licensing and regulation, feminist themes surrounding sex work, and stigma. Bringing her personal knowledge of the industry to bear, she offers an unapologetic critique and searing indictment of exploitation, and raises the rights of sex workers to the top of the agenda.


The Ethical Stripper rejects notions of victimhood, challenges stigma and shame, and unpacks decades of confusion and contradictions. It's about the sex-work community's fight for safety and self-determination, and it challenges you to think twice about every newspaper article, documentary and film you have seen about stripping and sex work.

The Ethical Stripper - Stacey Clarke

  • Paperback

    ISBN:    9781789651331
    Publisher:    Unbound
    Pub date:    03 Mar 2022
    Language:    English
    Number of pages:    352

  • 3-5 working days. Due to the negative impact it has on the environment we do not offer express or next day delivery on any orders. 

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